I’m the Boss of Me! is a child sexual abuse prevention puppet show and presentation to children ages 8 – 11. The program talks directly about sexual abuse in a gentle, age-appropriate way.
The puppet show is delivered by trained facilitators who are prepared to support students and answer questions. It's approximately 20 minutes long, followed by group discussions between the facilitator and students where the main points of the puppet show are reinforced. The presentation is intended to ensure children are learning about critical topics, such as: the meaning of the phrase, “I’m the boss of me”; the meaning of courage and why talking about abuse requires courage; when it’s okay and not okay to keep secrets; the qualities of a good friend; examples of safe adults; and how to tell who is a safe adult.
While the children are getting a presentation in one room, there is also a one-hour presentation for caregivers who wish to improve their understanding of such topics.
Register at ssaic.ca/itbom. Capacity for these sessions is limited; you will receive an email confirmation to confirm your registration. No preparation is required for these sessions.
EVENT TYPE: | Puppet Show | Health & Wellness | Counselling & Support |
TAGS: | Health & Wellness |
The Alice Turner Library replaced the smaller Sutherland Branch in December 1998. It was named after Alice Turner McFarland who was a library employee for 37 years and Saskatoon Public Library's chief librarian from 1981 to 1989. The first library in Canada to be built to the standards of C-2000 construction, Canada's environmental building code, the Alice Turner Library was expanded to double its original size in 2013.