This project by Négar Devine-Tajgardan explores the unfulfilled grief and memories of a family. The show will be on display Sep 4 to Oct 2.
Reception: Saturday / Sep 7 / 4 – 6 pm
In the summer of 1988, The Islamic Regime in Iran summarily and extra-judicially executed thousands of political dissidents across Iran; the artist's 23-year-old uncle was one of them. Every time she checks the photos of her sister’s infancy, she knows there is another photo hidden underneath them: a picture of her uncle holding her sister in his arms. She has been told it’s hidden as it will remind her father of not being able to have a final visit, a hug, or even a funeral for his brother.
This project explores the unfulfilled grief and memories focusing on the family’s personal experiences with these mass executions. Still, the artist's perspective points to a broader concept of injustice worldwide.
The Frances Morrison Central Library officially opened on May 28, 1966. This facility was named after Frances Morrison, who served as Saskatoon Public Library’s (SPL) chief librarian from 1961 to 1980. The Frances Morrison Central Library is the largest of SPL’s nine libraries and houses a dedicated Children’s Department, Fine Arts Department, Local History Room, Theatre, a computer lab, Innovation Lab, SPL's Writer in Residence, Accessibility Services and various administrative offices.